Nicole': Everyone, meet Blake
Nicole': "A real page turner! Ummm, if someone could help me with that, please?"
Nicole': "Why is this tree still up?"
Nicole': "Little warm in here for you, isn't it?"
Nicole': "Which way is the golden egg?"
Nicole': "Duck anyone?"
Nicole': "Just chips for me please"
Nicole': "Hey Santa, what's in there for me?"
Nicole': "Help! It was a trap! I'm stuck and I can't get out!"
Nicole': "All in!"
Nicole': "AAHH...AHHHH....Quuaacckkkk"
Nicole': "EEyyyeeee...shiver me feathers mates"
Nicole': "Is he wearing a dress and waving feathers? HEY!! That looks like Aunt Sophie!"
Nicole': "..and what do you do with this thing?"
Nicole': "That's a lot of Pez! and I really like that one back there pinned to the wall"
Nicole': "Frankly my dear, I do give a damn"
Nicole': "I feel much better now..a little cooked but better"
Nicole': "It's almost time!!"
Nicole': Happpyyyyy.......
Nicole': .....New Yeeeeaarr!!!!!
Nicole': .....New Yeeeeaarr!!!!!
Nicole': "Blake Rules!" "Steph Rules!"
Nicole': "Ahh...something to keep my feathers soft"
Nicole': "Asti...I do so love tiny bubbles"
Nicole': "Bottoms Up!"
Nicole': "It's a must be..someone's bday...Nicky?"
Nicole': "Do you guys KNOW what the temperature is? It's quackin' cold!"
Nicole': "Happy Birthday to yoooouuuu...Happppyyyyy Birrttthhhdaaayyyyy...."
Nicole': "Just a little off the sides please...leave a little tail on the back"
Nicole': "In the name of Yvonne! I dive for the lime! Maarrrggggaarrriitttaaa!!"