Nicole': Say cheese!
Nicole': Me before bangs
Nicole': ww 7
Nicole': ww 4
Nicole': Jan 12 WW
Nicole': mosaic june '06 me
Nicole': Give me the camera! We're done here!
Nicole': Is your leg hurt?
Nicole': Ok Mom, just put your hands at different levels...umm..ok.
Nicole': "Come on, not now!"
Nicole': Mom, no. No shots like that please...
Nicole': In the hall..not yet...I am pointing you in the right direction, you're getting closer
Nicole': Right this way please. Your seat is ready.
Nicole': Kindergarten teacher, that's the compliment from my kids. ok.
Nicole': Let's go out here. This way. I'll point the way
Nicole': Hands on someone in trouble Mom?
Nicole': Now I'm the angry Kindergarten teacher.
Nicole': trying to get the whole outfit
Nicole': For Steph - she's taken credit for this...LOL
Nicole': Aunt Angela and I discussing
Nicole': My 'modified' list of places to visit
Nicole': Roll 'em up
Nicole': A surprise with my shell
Nicole': A Very Very Happy Smile..
Nicole': Four Panel
Nicole': Goofin'
Nicole': "Would You Rather...." Challenge!
Nicole': Nick in Pink
Nicole': wwtatt
Nicole': Me again