Nathan Invincible:
Portage Lake Lift Bridge
Nathan Invincible:
Yooper Loop, Houghton MI
Nathan Invincible:
Portage Lake Lift Bridge
Nathan Invincible:
Portage Lake Lift Bridge
Nathan Invincible:
Houghton, MI
Nathan Invincible:
Portage Lake Lift Bridge
Nathan Invincible:
Houghton, MI
Nathan Invincible:
Coast Guard Cutter Buckthorn churns up the Posrtage Waterway
Nathan Invincible:
Yooper Loop Traffic
Nathan Invincible:
Coast Guard Cutter Buckthorn Under the Lift Bridge
Nathan Invincible:
Yooper Loop Traffic
Nathan Invincible:
Coast Guard Cutter Buckthorn Under the Lift Bridge
Nathan Invincible:
Coast Guard Cutter Buckthorn Under the Lift Bridge
Nathan Invincible:
Coast Guard Cutter Buckthorn Under the Lift Bridge
Nathan Invincible:
Views over Houghton, Michigan
Nathan Invincible:
Portage Lake Lift Bridge
Nathan Invincible:
Views over Houghton, Michigan