johanne75: IMGP3053
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johanne75: IMGP6283
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johanne75: 2007 - July - Toronto (292)
johanne75: 2007 - July - Toronto (199)
johanne75: 1/365 - Jan 1st 2010 - Cheers to a new year
johanne75: 36/365 - untitled
johanne75: Ice Sculpture at Winterlude, Ottawa
johanne75: Logs
johanne75: His and Hers
johanne75: 160/365 - the saying is so true
johanne75: 161/365 - He can do it....
johanne75: 164/365 - One month today....
johanne75: 171/365 - THE BOYS...
johanne75: HAPPY FATHER'S DAY 2010!!!!
johanne75: 173/365 - Night out..
johanne75: 174/365 - What the heck does that means???
johanne75: Reflections of me :)
johanne75: Some of the trophy at the Mopar Car Show
johanne75: Caroline
johanne75: New Year's Day fog!!!
johanne75: taking down the tree
johanne75: My favorite drink
johanne75: Love <3
johanne75: New covers