James Webb Space Telescope: A Wreath of Star Formation in NGC 7469
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Unveils Young Stars in Early Stages of Formation
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Unveils Young Stars in Early Stages of Formation (Detail)
James Webb Space Telescope: Webb Glimpses Field of Extragalactic PEARLS, Studded With Galactic Diamonds (cropped image)
James Webb Space Telescope: Webb Glimpses Field of Extragalactic PEARLS, Studded With Galactic Diamonds
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Reaches New Milestone in Quest for Distant Galaxies (NIRCam and NIRSpec data)
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Reaches New Milestone in Quest for Distant Galaxies (Just NIRCam)
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Indicates Several Stars ‘Stirred Up’ Southern Ring Nebula
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Indicates Several Stars ‘Stirred Up’ Southern Ring Nebula
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Indicates Several Stars ‘Stirred Up’ Southern Ring Nebula (Scientific Illustration)
James Webb Space Telescope: Titan (NIRCam and NIRC-2)
James Webb Space Telescope: Titan (NIRCam and NIRC-2, annotated)
James Webb Space Telescope: Titan (NIRCam, annotated)
James Webb Space Telescope: Titan (NIRCam)
James Webb Space Telescope: Pillars of Creation (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Image)
James Webb Space Telescope: Galactic Get-Together
James Webb Space Telescope: Galactic Get-Together (Hubble and Webb)
James Webb Space Telescope: Exoplanet WASP-39 b (Transmission Spectra)
James Webb Space Telescope: Artist Illustration - WASP-39 b
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA's Webb Draws Back Curtain on Universe's Early Galaxies (Labeled)
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA's Webb Draws Back Curtain on Universe's Early Galaxies (Unlabeled)
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA's Webb Draws Back Curtain on Universe's Early Galaxies (Stacked graphic, used on Facebook)
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA's Webb Draws Back Curtain on Universe's Early Galaxies (Single panel with inset 1)
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA's Webb Draws Back Curtain on Universe's Early Galaxies (Single panel with inset 2)
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA's Webb Draws Back Curtain on Universe's Early Galaxies (Inset boxes only)
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Catches Fiery Hourglass as New Star Forms
James Webb Space Telescope: WLM Dwarf Galaxy - Webb only
James Webb Space Telescope: WLM Dwarf Galaxy - Spitzer, Hubble, and Webb
James Webb Space Telescope: WLM Dwarf Galaxy - Spitzer and Webb