nasadowsk: The British Library
nasadowsk: Euston station
nasadowsk: Flinders
nasadowsk: The Queen...
nasadowsk: Euston main hall
nasadowsk: Another angle
nasadowsk: King's Cross
nasadowsk: Paddington
nasadowsk: Brunell
nasadowsk: Covenent Garden
nasadowsk: Underground
nasadowsk: 21390006
nasadowsk: Another angle
nasadowsk: Weathercock
nasadowsk: This is English
nasadowsk: Obligatory organ shot
nasadowsk: Waverly station
nasadowsk: Waiting room
nasadowsk: Street performer
nasadowsk: Edinburgh
nasadowsk: Forth Bridge
nasadowsk: Forth bridge
nasadowsk: The other side
nasadowsk: A bit farther back
nasadowsk: Last one
nasadowsk: Forth Bridge and memorial