NASA Universe: Beautiful Science
NASA Universe: Aristotle: On the heavens and the earth, 1495
NASA Universe: Ptolemy, Almagest, 1279
NASA Universe: Copernicus: On the revolution of heavenly bodies, 1566
NASA Universe: Copernicus detail
NASA Universe: Kepler, Astonomia nova, 1609
NASA Universe: Kepler detail
NASA Universe: Tycho Brahe, Astronomy renewed, 1610
NASA Universe: Newton's Principia, 1687
NASA Universe: Newton detail
NASA Universe: Copernican view
NASA Universe: Letter written by Annie Jump Cannon
NASA Universe: Letter from Albert Einstein to George Ellery Hale
NASA Universe: Edwin Hubble's logbook for 100-inch Mt. Wilson telescope
NASA Universe: Galileo Galilei, Starry messenger, 1610
NASA Universe: Christiaan Huygens, Saturn's system 1659
NASA Universe: Newton's "An Account of a New Kind of Telescope, invented by Mr. Isaac Newton" 1672
NASA Universe: Ptolemian view
NASA Universe: Copernican view
NASA Universe: Display of letters
NASA Universe: On the telescope
NASA Universe: Early lightbulbs
NASA Universe: Early lightbulbs
NASA Universe: Faraday's Experimental researches in electricity, 1846
NASA Universe: Volta, 1809
NASA Universe: Benjamin Franklin, Experiements and observations on electricity, 1750s
NASA Universe: Newton, on light.
NASA Universe: Newton detail
NASA Universe: Newton, on light and colors - his first publication
NASA Universe: Rene Decartes, Discours de la methode