NASA Johnson: Towns and farmland along Wyoming's Bighorn River
NASA Johnson: The SpaceX Dragon Endeavour docked to the Harmony module
NASA Johnson: The French port city of Le Havre on the river Seine
NASA Johnson: Astronauts assist spacewalkers inside the Quest airlock
NASA Johnson: Astronauts assist spacewalkers inside the Quest airlock
NASA Johnson: Garabogazköl Basin, a highly saline lagoon off the Caspian Sea
NASA Johnson: Spain and Morocco Separated by the Straight of Gibraltar
NASA Johnson: The Mozambique Channel Flows Inland to the Bombetoka Bay
NASA Johnson: A Golden Atmospheric Glow Crowns Earth's Horizon
NASA Johnson: Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea
NASA Johnson: Bermuda From 265 Miles Above
NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Mike Barratt is pictured in his spacesuit
NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Tracy C. Dyson is pictured in her spacesuit
NASA Johnson: The Himalayas separate India from China
NASA Johnson: Astronauts Mike Barratt and Tracy C. Dyson are pictured in the Quest airlock
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Tracy C. Dyson is pictured in her spacesuit
NASA Johnson: A SpaceX Dragon spacecraft is pictured docked to the station
NASA Johnson: A waxing gibbous moon rises over the Indian Ocean
NASA Johnson: The Gulf of Suez feeds into the Red Sea
NASA Johnson: The first rays of an orbital sunrise reflect off the station's roll-out solar arrays
NASA Johnson: A Waxing Gibbous Moon Over the Indian Ocean
NASA Johnson: A trio of Ethiopian Lakes
NASA Johnson: Western Coast of Baja California
NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Mike Barratt works on spacewalking hardware
NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Jeanette Epps documents research hardware
NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Jeanette Epps works on the Materials Science Laboratory
NASA Johnson: The SpaceX Dragon Endeavour docked to the Harmony module
NASA Johnson: An aurora streams below Boeing's Starliner spacecraft
NASA Johnson: The Canadarm2 robotic arm with Dextre, its fine-tuned robotic hand attached
NASA Johnson: NASA's Boeing Crew Flight Test astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams