NASA Johnson: Stars sparkle above Earth's atmospheric glow
NASA Johnson: Earth's atmospheric glow and a starry sky pictured from the space station
NASA Johnson: The Milky Way is pictured above Earth's atmospheric glow
NASA Johnson: The airglow blankets the Earth's horizon beneath a starry sky
NASA Johnson: A starry night sky and an atmospheric glow
NASA Johnson: The Milky Way extends above the Earth's horizon
NASA Johnson: The SpaceX Crew Dragon spaceship
NASA Johnson: Streaks of a starry field above Earth
NASA Johnson: A starry sky above the Earth's atmospheric glow
NASA Johnson: A starry sky above the Earth's atmospheric glow
NASA Johnson: The Milky Way glitters above the Earth's horizon
NASA Johnson: The Milky Way glitters above the Earth's horizon
NASA Johnson: The Milky Way glitters above the Earth's horizon
NASA Johnson: The Milky Way glittering above Earth's horizon
NASA Johnson: The Milky Way glittering above Earth's horizon
NASA Johnson: A wispy "aurora australis" intersects with the Earth's airglow
NASA Johnson: An aurora accents Earth's atmospheric glow underneath a starry sky
NASA Johnson: A radiant aurora crowns the Earth's horizon
NASA Johnson: An aurora above the city lights and a beneath a starry sky
NASA Johnson: The atmospheric glow above Earth's moonlit horizon
NASA Johnson: The atmospheric glow and the Milky Way's stars
NASA Johnson: An aurora blankets the Earth beneath a celestial night sky
NASA Johnson: An aurora blankets the Earth beneath a celestial night sky
NASA Johnson: The Milky Way lights up an orbital night pass
NASA Johnson: Earth's atmospheric glow is back-dropped by a starry Milky Way
NASA Johnson: A starry Milky Way glitters above Earth
NASA Johnson: The light of the moon and the starry Milky Way
NASA Johnson: A starry orbital nighttime sky above New Zealand
NASA Johnson: Earth's luminous atmospheric glow back-dropped by the tranquil Milky Way
NASA Johnson: Earth's atmospheric glow, the Moon and a starry orbital nighttime background