NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Koichi Wakata peers through a window in the cupola
NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Nicole Mann peers through a window in the cupola
NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Frank Rubio peers through a window in the cupola
NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Josh Cassada peers through a window in the cupola
NASA Johnson: Astronauts Thomas Marshburn and Mark Vande Hei peer at the Earth below
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Mark Vande Hei peers at the Earth below
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Kayla Barron peers out from a cupola window
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Kayla Barron smiles while peering out from a cupola window
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Thomas Marshburn peers out from a window inside the cupola
NASA Johnson: Expedition 66 crew members peer out from windows inside the cupola
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Matthias Maurer inside the seven-windowed cupola
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Megan McArthur is pictured inside the cupola
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Thomas Pesquet is pictured during Earth photography activities
NASA Johnson: NASA astronaut Megan McArthur reads a book in the cupola
NASA Johnson: The International Space Station's "window to the world"
NASA Johnson: Portions of the space station are pictured from Nauka
NASA Johnson: Portions of the space station are pictured from Nauka
NASA Johnson: Flight Engineers Thomas Pesquet and Megan McArthur inside the cupola
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Thomas Pesquet inside the cupola
NASA Johnson: Cygnus is pictured from the cupola
NASA Johnson: Commander Akihiko Hoshide is pictured inside the cupola
NASA Johnson: ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet inside the cupola
NASA Johnson: Expedition 65 Flight Engineers Soichi Wakata and Thomas Pesquet
NASA Johnson: JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi
NASA Johnson: Expedition 64 Flight Engineer Soichi Noguchi gives a "thumbs up"
NASA Johnson: Expedition 64 Flight Engineer Victor Glover
NASA Johnson: Expedition 64 Flight Engineer Soichi Noguchi relaxes inside the seven-windowed cupola
NASA Johnson: Expedition 63 Commander Chris Cassidy inside the cupola
NASA Johnson: Expedition 62 Flight Engineer Jessica Meir poses for a portrait
NASA Johnson: Astronauts Christina Koch, Jessica Meir and Andrew Morgan