Anas Bukhash (nascity): "Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad." ~Author Unknown
Anas Bukhash (nascity): "Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero." Marc Brown...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): TARAAA !!! Bood Za Magician...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): my baby brother...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Yes i love you too...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): "I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection." Sigmond Freud...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Upset ? But WHY???
Anas Bukhash (nascity): The jellyfish somersault...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): عيشي بلادي عاش اتحاد إماراتنا عشت لشعب دينه الإسلام هديه القرآن حصنتك باسم الله يا وطن
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Catch me if you can Naso...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Feel the FRESHNESSS !!!
Anas Bukhash (nascity): HAPPY EID / 3eedkum Embarak...OKKK look @ my face do i look like i'm enjoying EID...HMMMMMMM ???
Anas Bukhash (nascity): And Happy Ramadan to all my flickr friends & contacts...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Can we sleep as peaceful as children do...i think sometimes we wish we could...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): I'm tellin ya...that's how you squeeze my cheeks...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): AHHHH what to do...YES Flickr has been blocked for quite some time now...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): I'm gonna TICKLE you...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Where are your eyes?
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Kal-Kool THE MAN... =P ...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): The sun is shining...the weather is sweeeeet...yeaaaaah !!!
Anas Bukhash (nascity): I'm lookin at you NaS...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Who said aliens don't exist...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Hide & Seek is always enjoyable...ok 1...2...3...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): The world is in the hands of its youth...
Anas Bukhash (nascity): Baby angels do exist...sometimes with a stick...