Narno06: toward France
Narno06: Candide
Narno06: proud daddy
Narno06: She may hate me one day...
Narno06: Pensive II
Narno06: sweetness II
Narno06: pensive
Narno06: curieuse
Narno06: The Star and Stripes II
Narno06: I love you mommy
Narno06: pure sweetness
Narno06: IMG_1650 - small
Narno06: IMG_1730 - small
Narno06: Planets or Stars?
Narno06: that cube is yummy
Narno06: Sunglasses
Narno06: mother & daughter
Narno06: first slide fun
Narno06: The Leprechauns came to visit
Narno06: tight framing - BW
Narno06: light and shadow
Narno06: Classic B&W
Narno06: Classic B&W
Narno06: Classic B&W
Narno06: with her beloved hat
Narno06: she wanted to wear her hat...inside
Narno06: Zoe outside
Narno06: Zoe outside
Narno06: Zoe outside