Nareshe: fantastic contraption
Nareshe: spinning a boulder
Nareshe: i lick the bugs!
Nareshe: Gina ponders; small child looks dubious
Nareshe: giant table!
Nareshe: this is what it's like to be a halfling.
Nareshe: Laura plays Kilroy
Nareshe: up periscope!
Nareshe: Laura speaks Parselmouth
Nareshe: Gina holds a conversation with a giant fly
Nareshe: I, for one, welcome our new praying mantis overlords
Nareshe: wings at rest
Nareshe: green and black
Nareshe: who you are when we're not looking
Nareshe: spot the eye
Nareshe: what wings dare aspire
Nareshe: the dance
Nareshe: resting here
Nareshe: attack of the giant killer butterflies!
Nareshe: impatient
Nareshe: a moment before those wings open
Nareshe: the markings sort of look like dog heads.
Nareshe: waiting watchfully
Nareshe: having a snack
Nareshe: they watch you with stripey eyes
Nareshe: what lives only a moment
Nareshe: the ragged brush of its wings
Nareshe: resplendent
Nareshe: describe a curve against the darkening sky
Nareshe: illuminated