Nareshe: Pip thinks deep thoughts.
Nareshe: outside couch! For US!
Nareshe: "Ah, this is The Awesome."
Nareshe: Bryan
Nareshe: silverbush, open to the sun.
Nareshe: and Mad Teeth appear.
Nareshe: FWEEE!
Nareshe: hanging out before people show up
Nareshe: believing in upwards
Nareshe: of course you are.
Nareshe: porch plants
Nareshe: grasses
Nareshe: the (formerly) annual bed
Nareshe: clematis and annuals
Nareshe: birthday present
Nareshe: little stars
Nareshe: Juniper naps in the shade
Nareshe: mmm buttercup
Nareshe: Greebo poses
Nareshe: om nom
Nareshe: and stripes forever
Nareshe: Pip recharges with a nap
Nareshe: a hard day for a little dog
Nareshe: we be grillin'!
Nareshe: mmm. Charcoal.
Nareshe: inspecting Graham's hair
Nareshe: Jesse and Boone
Nareshe: Bryan and Storm study the grill
Nareshe: "Aha! I LICK you!"
Nareshe: Graham and Lorena (with bonus dogs)