Nareshe: snooze
Nareshe: sleeping piggies
Nareshe: seriously, there is no glass.
Nareshe: Bryan, judge of spiders.
Nareshe: some kind of bird.
Nareshe: Victora crowned pigeon
Nareshe: pheasant
Nareshe: pheasant
Nareshe: Guenon
Nareshe: Guenon
Nareshe: Rar.
Nareshe: such silly birds.
Nareshe: courtship
Nareshe: keeping an eye
Nareshe: exit
Nareshe: yes, it's a pigeon, but not a rock dove.
Nareshe: it's a...bird!
Nareshe: colobus monkey
Nareshe: colobus monkey
Nareshe: colobus monkey
Nareshe: I love these pathways.
Nareshe: Amanda
Nareshe: Jumoke
Nareshe: Jumoke
Nareshe: Jumoke
Nareshe: Gila monster
Nareshe: hanging out
Nareshe: what is hidden in the forest
Nareshe: cranky snake
Nareshe: cranky snake