Nareshe: Kimba
Nareshe: Kimba
Nareshe: Kimba yawns
Nareshe: Kimba is a pretty cat.
Nareshe: Ryan and Amy
Nareshe: poppy
Nareshe: dianthus
Nareshe: no idea, but it's pretty
Nareshe: Bryan inspects fireworks
Nareshe: Kimba gets feet pets
Nareshe: Bryan
Nareshe: Ryan
Nareshe: Amy
Nareshe: Amy toes
Nareshe: Ben and Matt
Nareshe: Graham
Nareshe: Matt
Nareshe: Ben
Nareshe: Lorena
Nareshe: Graham and the Rollei
Nareshe: Laura
Nareshe: Derek
Nareshe: Greg
Nareshe: Sunnie and Matt
Nareshe: Sunnie and Matt
Nareshe: Ben
Nareshe: Matt looks either excited or slightly insane
Nareshe: Sandi and Graham
Nareshe: Bryan and Graham try to work out the golden mean
Nareshe: show your work, guys.