Nareshe: hanging out on the fountain, reading my email...
Nareshe: even the statuary has wifi.
Nareshe: IMG_4759
Nareshe: April 4th: we are all in this together
Nareshe: the rowers
Nareshe: sinister
Nareshe: strangeness at dusk
Nareshe: the monument and the hill
Nareshe: no diving
Nareshe: The farm
Nareshe: rusting away
Nareshe: carrying a pot
Nareshe: sssh
Nareshe: stone watcher
Nareshe: oliphaunt!
Nareshe: arboretum gates
Nareshe: lantern
Nareshe: bus carcass
Nareshe: encroachment
Nareshe: the weedy bones
Nareshe: stone weeps
Nareshe: fogbound
Nareshe: comfort for the grieving
Nareshe: Wheel at Monte Cristo
Nareshe: arches
Nareshe: a dance in stillness