Nareshe: Hot. Tired. But kind of okay.
Nareshe: ever, and ever
Nareshe: I look studious
Nareshe: haircut!
Nareshe: awesomest santa hat ever.
Nareshe: 'em all cut.
Nareshe: upwards
Nareshe: it's morning again
Nareshe: each and every Saturday
Nareshe: too serious
Nareshe: the wooden pendant
Nareshe: there are forests in my soul.
Nareshe: only looks harmless.
Nareshe: don't think, just be.
Nareshe: mischief and starlight
Nareshe: longing for the sea
Nareshe: far from the southland where you were born
Nareshe: tangled and twined.
Nareshe: is this a safe horizon?
Nareshe: see? festive!
Nareshe: somewhere out of mind
Nareshe: don't look now
Nareshe: Big-ass glasses
Nareshe: not really a movie star
Nareshe: ...and your hands steady on the wheel
Nareshe: brain fried
Nareshe: me in the van
Nareshe: it was a long day.
Nareshe: hip
Nareshe: 08_04_26_pets_005