naobashicon: me at toilet in Yamate station(JR)
naobashicon: yellow flower by my keitai
naobashicon: 昔のわたし
naobashicon: あかちゃん
naobashicon: Riku and me! by my keitai
naobashicon: you mean this photo, Bornil??
naobashicon: watashi with da sweet stuff
naobashicon: me in toilet again
naobashicon: mata mata me in toilet
naobashicon: toilet!!!!
naobashicon: toilet, me and camera!
naobashicon: reico an me
naobashicon: watashi at Yamashita park
naobashicon: me with the nice cap
naobashicon: my grandma n me
naobashicon: 愛しのおばあちんさま
naobashicon: me-mad
naobashicon: me with senpuuki
naobashicon: who is this pretty boi with too beautiful sadako chan?
naobashicon: tattoo chan
naobashicon: Russian girl n me
naobashicon: 反射 with me
naobashicon: 反射 with ume tree n 貞子
naobashicon: ghosts at everywhere......
naobashicon: me myself n i
naobashicon: 畑とわたしと親子仲良く♪♪
naobashicon: me in toilet again
naobashicon: i got Jeros cd♪♪
naobashicon: beer and me 1