nans0410(busy): 失色的黎明(Pale dawn)
nans0410(busy): 雲飄六十石山(Green world)
nans0410(busy): 石梯風雲(Rocks)
nans0410(busy): 雲翻浪(Clouds turned the waves)
nans0410(busy): 流水(Running water)
nans0410(busy): 水漾落羽(Shuiyang Forest)
nans0410(busy): 驚雲襲三仙(Amazing clouds)
nans0410(busy): 天際藍帶( Blue Ribbon in Sky)
nans0410(busy): 那一年我們一起去看海(We went to see the sea in that year)
nans0410(busy): 夢想~~家(Dream~~Home)
nans0410(busy): 雲蓋三仙(Dragon turned clouds)
nans0410(busy): 白浪綠浪一起飄(White waves and green waves flowing together)
nans0410(busy): 好山好水好風光(Good scenery of the mountain and the water)