ibikempls: Martin in his sweet Behind Bars kit
ibikempls: Randall on the hop
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Rider Down!
ibikempls: This is how you dismount
ibikempls: Whiskey shot taker Ted
ibikempls: Ben, Anna, Randall
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Remounting after the logs
ibikempls: All Smiles
ibikempls: Thornie
ibikempls: Lady H. hopping back on
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Lady Hollywood!
ibikempls: Thornie eyes his prey
ibikempls: Theo Wirth CX
ibikempls: Matt Allen runs the logs
ibikempls: Hollywood!
ibikempls: Allen leads out of the logs
ibikempls: Log hop
ibikempls: Bunny Hop
ibikempls: No Pinch Flats