ibikempls: Men's Stupor and Speed Winner Bags
ibikempls: Pre start gathering
ibikempls: Jen
ibikempls: Ryan from Fargo
ibikempls: Jen from Fargo
ibikempls: Hurl
ibikempls: Pre-race Frane
ibikempls: Raccoon
ibikempls: Shawn
ibikempls: Pre-Race Matt Allen (two time winner)
ibikempls: Pre-Race Chelsea
ibikempls: pre-race gathering outside the dock
ibikempls: The first of three manifests
ibikempls: Antlers
ibikempls: Stupor Bowl 13 speed champ, Fiona
ibikempls: Stupor Bowl Winners
ibikempls: Jana, a frequent alley cat winner and favorite for the day
ibikempls: The race is on!
ibikempls: Le Mans Start
ibikempls: Martin
ibikempls: something about the tongue
ibikempls: And like dominoes, the bikes fell
ibikempls: Chelsea weaves through the crowd after the start
ibikempls: Curly Bro
ibikempls: Matt races away - blurry
ibikempls: BMX lives!
ibikempls: Grandpa Winter
ibikempls: Happy as shit to be on a bike
ibikempls: Pick a finger
ibikempls: Dude, dog, and Amy man the stop at Nick's house