ibikempls: steamrolling action
ibikempls: cleared sidewalk with steamroller
ibikempls: on the LRT
ibikempls: Steamrolleur a trois
ibikempls: steamroller sunset
ibikempls: Sunday Ride
ibikempls: rider down
ibikempls: ackshun
ibikempls: Virgin White Saddle
ibikempls: steamroller on forklift
ibikempls: blue stripes
ibikempls: Slick-50 night stop
ibikempls: Progress
ibikempls: Just riding along
ibikempls: riding west on the LRT - video
ibikempls: my new bell
ibikempls: Surly Mailbox
ibikempls: Rain Break
ibikempls: storm over Minneapolis
ibikempls: blood flows red on the greenway
ibikempls: Swallow Green
ibikempls: Steamroller bakinakshun
ibikempls: Kalloy handlebars
ibikempls: bridge club
ibikempls: Spot, Surly, Masi
ibikempls: flat tire ride
ibikempls: Lake Calhoun - beer stop
ibikempls: Minneapolis skyline, cross country skiier, Lake of the Isles
ibikempls: First bridge club of 2009
ibikempls: crossing the Mississippi