ibikempls: Zito's Bianchi Pista after three cars ran over it - the first with him on it
ibikempls: My bag at Cars-R-Coffins
ibikempls: Two Dollar Bills
ibikempls: Holy Crap
ibikempls: Urban Art - TC
ibikempls: Interstate 35W bridge over the Mississippi River
ibikempls: Mark's Ride - another Mark
ibikempls: My new Pannier (pah-nee-yay)
ibikempls: Big Dummy
ibikempls: Erik's monster bike
ibikempls: Bridge Club
ibikempls: I put that front rack on
ibikempls: Customly Studded
ibikempls: New Twenty Seven
ibikempls: halfway across the lake
ibikempls: Deuce Seven and Bicycle
ibikempls: beard-off week 6.5
ibikempls: Steamroller
ibikempls: Sunday Ride
ibikempls: Virgin White Saddle
ibikempls: Progress
ibikempls: Just riding along
ibikempls: Schwinn Premis
ibikempls: Rain Break
ibikempls: 11-person party bike
ibikempls: Skirt Guard
ibikempls: Celeste Green Surly Travelers-Check
ibikempls: the new 1x1
ibikempls: Amy C.'s prize bag
ibikempls: Chewbacca