Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): We are the world's problem
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Guess who's back...
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Happy Halloween
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Sólo somos dos juguetes rotos
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): El placer de fumar
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Y así éramos...
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Robin sin su arco
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Vintage Style
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): 146/365 El mago
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Hello world, I'm here!
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): look at the sky, and pray...
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Human Behavior type A
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Green smoke on black city
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Midnight date
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Fight club, first day (tribute)