Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2018-04-26 - Goosie Goosie one Year ago -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-03-30 - A Hawk - ???? - on my Fence, looking for a Sparrow perhebs -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-03-31 - Yes, it looks so preety, but it is Spring, now, where is Spring ??
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-01 - We are Friends. -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-01 - 3 different Species, Common Grackle, Sparrow and a Brown-headed cowbird - Nice to see you all together !!!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-03 - American Robin, liking Lunch -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-03 - I like that Lunch too - Blue Jay -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-05 - Commob Grackle and Starling -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-14 - woh invited you guys - Sparrow, Mourning dove and male Cardinal !!!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-14 - Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-14 - Sitting in the Rain ........ -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-15 - I always find the good stuff, THX Lady, yummy !!!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-15 - Lady, I' m P--- off, where is Spring and why is Red eating everything ???
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-15 - Mr. Cardinal, testing out the Lilac Buds !!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-16 - I love this Birds, Mouning Dove -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-19 - Lucy Boyfriend 1 -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-04-19 - Lucy's Boyfriend 2 -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-05-02 - Sorry Red, there are drops again -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-05-05 - HBM - Happy Bench Mondy and Happy Barby Dolle's - To you All a Happy Week -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019--05-05 - The little Leafs are showing -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-05-16 - Red, is a Mom of 2 little new Red's - No I don't like to come out jet !!!!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-09-16 Juvenile Northern Cardinal Male -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-09-16 - Juvenile Northern Cardinal, Female ? -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-10-31 - Blue Jay - I take two Peanuts, it's to crowded here to day -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2010-10-31 - Mr. Cardinal like this Peanuts too !!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-10-27 - Wet, but Happy, Enjoying a Snack !!!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-11-03 - OK, I mist that attack by little Boss Lady Red- she almost fly right ander Blacky, and oh did Blacky take off, maybe Red bite him she ended up unter him, well she is the Boss in my Back Garden, Sorry not to shard but I had to share, NATUR
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2019-12-14 - Same of my friends are hungry -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2020-01-15 - Mr. Cardinal in my Garden -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2020-01-15 - OK, this feeder boxes are not nice, but the Boss don't see that and the Birds don't care at all! Sparows and a female Cardinal -