Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Collin - Presqu'ile PP
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
JanetteRoja.caPainting on Collin -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
First Sweet G.Child 1990!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2009-March-04 - Max ❤️
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2009 - May - 23 " Oh boy, did I go to fast " ?
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Baby and Duck
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Ma x, where are you going
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
I love that wall! Cool!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
" M's"Haendchen! Hand ! Manito !
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Water Park 2 - Many drops
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
=african+famine Please donate now !!!!Please Help !!! Save a Child!!!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Fall - is Fun Time
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Walking in Grandma's zapatos
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
How time flys, this was 3 years ago !!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Yes, yes I' m coming, there are so many preaches Stones here
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Is this Spring, Grandmom ???????
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Great Easter Day 2012
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Beautiful Butterfly
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
That is for Great-Grandma's B-day, May 17 1911
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Früh übt sich wer ein Meister werden will, my sweet darling !!!!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Happy B-day CR
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Again Wonderful Safe, Great CR - Great
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
Woooooow what a great Soccer Game, CR Grandson, Great Safe !!!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
It's my Birthday - I' m busy, going to play !!!
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good:
2012-08-17 - Don't worry Max I bring your Bunnys -