NancySmith133: Zebra Longwing butterfly
NancySmith133: Bananas in God's garden
NancySmith133: ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ There's got to be a morning after ... ¸¸.•*¨*•♫
NancySmith133: "Miss Nancy? Is this new tree just for us?"
NancySmith133: Downy Woodpecker
NancySmith133: Monarch caterpillars
NancySmith133: They had so much fun in the sprinklers!
NancySmith133: Mr. and Mrs. Northern Cardinal
NancySmith133: Prairie Warbler
NancySmith133: Mimosa strigillosa
NancySmith133: Monarch caterpillars painted
NancySmith133: Tufted Titmouse ...
NancySmith133: Prairie Warbler
NancySmith133: Long-tailed Skipper and Happy Fence Friday!
NancySmith133: Long-tailed Skipper
NancySmith133: 'But, grandmother, what big eyes you have!' she said.
NancySmith133: Bromeliads
NancySmith133: Swallowtail butterfly caterpillar
NancySmith133: On my way home ...
NancySmith133: Bromeliad (inspired by Birgitta)
NancySmith133: Bananas are still growing strong ...
NancySmith133: Tufted Titmouse
NancySmith133: Zebra Longwing butterfly
NancySmith133: Tufted Titmouse
NancySmith133: Long-tailed Skipper on Powder Puff
NancySmith133: Wild Coffee (Psychotria nervosa0
NancySmith133: It's a Pollinator convention!
NancySmith133: A baby Clouded Sulphur!
NancySmith133: Native Stokes Asters
NancySmith133: Happy Fence Friday