NancySmith133: Wild Turkey met me before the gate!
NancySmith133: Blue Grosbeak female
NancySmith133: Blue Grosbeak female
NancySmith133: Northern Cardinal male
NancySmith133: Little Blue Heron way up a tree!
NancySmith133: Pied-billed Grebe
NancySmith133: Anhinga
NancySmith133: Eastern Towhee
NancySmith133: Viceroy butterfly
NancySmith133: American Bittern
NancySmith133: American Bittern
NancySmith133: Great Blue Heron
NancySmith133: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
NancySmith133: American Alligator
NancySmith133: Tri-colored Heron
NancySmith133: Tri-colored Heron in breeding plumage
NancySmith133: Red-winged Blackbird
NancySmith133: Sing, Sing, Sing
NancySmith133: Wildflowers in the swamp
NancySmith133: Little Blue Heron - breeding plumage
NancySmith133: American Coot
NancySmith133: American Coot
NancySmith133: Gathering of White Ibis
NancySmith133: Glossy Ibis
NancySmith133: Cattle Egret
NancySmith133: Cattle Egret
NancySmith133: Cattle Egret
NancySmith133: Cattle Egret -- breeding plumage (Explore 2016-06-11)
NancySmith133: Snowy Egret