NancySmith133: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
NancySmith133: BBWD everywhere!
NancySmith133: BBWD over the cow fields
NancySmith133: Great Blue Heron and two friends
NancySmith133: Mallard x Mottled Duck hybrids
NancySmith133: Mallard x Mottled Duck hybrids
NancySmith133: Great Egret
NancySmith133: Great Egret with a crawfish
NancySmith133: Sandhill Crane
NancySmith133: Sandhill Crane
NancySmith133: DSC_0061
NancySmith133: Black-neckd Stilts
NancySmith133: Snowy Egrets trying to stay dry.
NancySmith133: DSC_0007
NancySmith133: DSC_0006
NancySmith133: DSC_0001
NancySmith133: DSC_0183
NancySmith133: Loggerhead Shrike
NancySmith133: Happy Fence Friday
NancySmith133: Black-bellied whistling ducks
NancySmith133: Stormy late summer sky
NancySmith133: Got confirmation from
NancySmith133: Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks
NancySmith133: DSC_0175
NancySmith133: DSC_0184
NancySmith133: Red-bellied Woodpecker
NancySmith133: BBWD trying to get dry too!