seto gaston: colesy
seto gaston: scotty and dunny
seto gaston: colesy showing us some sweet moves
seto gaston: craig and joel
seto gaston: the 'robot'
seto gaston: warming up
seto gaston: silhouettes
seto gaston: Billay!
seto gaston: giving the pole a go..
seto gaston: cheers!
seto gaston: yvvone and joel
seto gaston: joel and yvonne
seto gaston: scotty.coles.joel
seto gaston: so cute...
seto gaston: mystery man showing us his moves
seto gaston: get ready to dance!
seto gaston: Colesy playing us a little ditty
seto gaston: putting dishes away
seto gaston:
seto gaston: craigy