Nancyinwonderland: Untitled - Figure Drawing I second assignment.
Nancyinwonderland: Untitled - Figure Drawing I first assignment.
Nancyinwonderland: "Can't You See What it Does to Me?" Drawing
Nancyinwonderland: Working on watercolors.. I find it soothing... #100happydays #day41 #jellyfish #watercolor #artstudent #illustration #seacreatures
Nancyinwonderland: Part of my Ad Campaign final. The class is working on a collaborative piece for the Tahlequah Farmers Market. I am in charge of tote bag and pins. I bought the blank burlap bag off Amazon. I painted "Tahlequah Farmers Market" on the side, the handles, t
Nancyinwonderland: I just found out that my #Tea-ki #packagingdesign is featured on the website! That's exciting! =) (sorry to boast about it.. It just helps to keep me on track, personally..) #graphicdesignstudent #nsu #NSUArt
Nancyinwonderland: Tea-ki Tea concept packaging idea
Nancyinwonderland: Tea-ki Tea concept packaging idea
Nancyinwonderland: Tea-ki Tea concept packaging idea
Nancyinwonderland: Tea-ki Tea concept packaging idea
Nancyinwonderland: Tea-ki Tea concept packaging idea
Nancyinwonderland: Large commissioned piece that I'm working on. =) I'm done with the darker side.. Now I'm just working on the lighter side. (mainly fixing changes that I made to the tree limbs..) #painting #artistproblems
Nancyinwonderland: Winter/Fall
Nancyinwonderland: Color class: Assignment #3
Nancyinwonderland: Color Class: Assignment #2
Nancyinwonderland: Color class - Final Assignment.
Nancyinwonderland: Graphic Design II - Valkyries - Sunglasses line
Nancyinwonderland: Graphic Design II - Valkyries - Sunglasses line
Nancyinwonderland: Graphic Design II - Valkyries - Sunglasses line
Nancyinwonderland: Painting Class - Demo
Nancyinwonderland: 3D Design - Wire Sculpture
Nancyinwonderland: 3D Design - Wire Sculpture
Nancyinwonderland: Interpretation of Plastic Surgery - Painting
Nancyinwonderland: First Drawing II Homework Assignment
Nancyinwonderland: Drawing I - Final
Nancyinwonderland: Metamorphosis - Breast Cancer piece
Nancyinwonderland: 2D - Line Drawing - Zombie Girl.
Nancyinwonderland: Ad Campaign - Unconventional Ad project
Nancyinwonderland: Web Graphics - Bunny gif
Nancyinwonderland: Ceramics Box - Clay