nancy rae: Rochester Christmas lights 09 013
nancy rae: full moon 1 09 002
nancy rae: full moon 1 09 002
nancy rae: Detroit Court House 007 189
nancy rae: Simon says Stop
nancy rae: A Night Like This 204
nancy rae: Hart Plaza
nancy rae: Fireworks 2010 038
nancy rae: Fireworks 2010 053
nancy rae: Fireworks 2010 055
nancy rae: Hawaiian Space 002
nancy rae: Ka-Boom 015 (or the Inferno)
nancy rae: Fireworks 2010 029
nancy rae: Nebula 074
nancy rae: happy 4th 066
nancy rae: it came one night 067
nancy rae: Night Ambassador 009
nancy rae: Pitter Patter
nancy rae: Fountain at Campus Martius, Detroit
nancy rae: Listening to jazz through a viridian green night
nancy rae: Night Light
nancy rae: Poncho Sanchez
nancy rae: Neon Ride
nancy rae: "the wonder that's keeping the stars apart"
nancy rae: "darkest of the night with the moon"
nancy rae: "floating through the dark waters of dream and nightmare"
nancy rae: the night is dark only when I forget to open my eyes