nancylynnfree: Vermont Butterfly - Explore 1/30/09
nancylynnfree: Somebody's Setting Up Housekeeping!!
nancylynnfree: Good, That Stupid Dog is Taking a Nap
nancylynnfree: Bleeding Heart
nancylynnfree: Somebody Call Me?
nancylynnfree: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail -- Explore 5/21/09
nancylynnfree: There's a Reason I'm So Cute, I Just Don't Recall What (Explore)
nancylynnfree: Day Lily - Explore#35 - Go Figure
nancylynnfree: Rescued Baby Squirrel (EXPLORE 8/24)
nancylynnfree: Whales, Whales, Whales EXPLORED 9/5
nancylynnfree: The Reason My Face Is Dirty Is Because I Had To Dig in the DIRT for Food While You Were Gallavanting Around Boston!! EXPLORED 9/6
nancylynnfree: Jellies!!! EXPLORE 9/14
nancylynnfree: Swamp Darner?
nancylynnfree: Me and My Shadow - Explore 9/25
nancylynnfree: Backroads -- EXPLORE 9/28
nancylynnfree: Country Lane ----- Explore 9/30
nancylynnfree: Misty Morning (Explore 10/7)
nancylynnfree: OK, Mr. Squirrely Pants, We're Going to Play Rock, Paper, Scissors For This Feeder, OK? EXPLORE 10/9
nancylynnfree: My Blue Buddy (Explore 10/19)
nancylynnfree: Ladybug Invasion (Explore 10/21 -- #100)
nancylynnfree: Little Red Squirrel's Plan for the Day: (Explore)
nancylynnfree: Wings of Blue (Explore 135)
nancylynnfree: Winner in the "Explored Trees Contest #5" in the Arboreal the Art of Trees Group
nancylynnfree: Red-breasted Nuthatch Comes HOME!! (Explore 11/18)
nancylynnfree: Messy Mouth - (Explore 11/21)
nancylynnfree: The Perfect Bribe
nancylynnfree: Whew, She's Back! (Explore #51)
nancylynnfree: Posing Pretty -- Explore Front Page - #22
nancylynnfree: West River Valley - W. Townshend, Vermont - Explore #235