nancycola: The tiles have their own set in case you really get off on it.
nancycola: There were lots. . .
nancycola: Just a taste.
nancycola: IMG_1588
nancycola: IMG_1604
nancycola: IMG_1605
nancycola: IMG_1608
nancycola: Floor tiles in Ana's building.
nancycola: IMG_1610
nancycola: IMG_1611
nancycola: IMG_1634
nancycola: IMG_1640
nancycola: IMG_1641
nancycola: Way old tiles at the tile museum.
nancycola: We got there at the same time as a snap-happy group of Spanish tourists.
nancycola: IMG_1647
nancycola: IMG_1648
nancycola: IMG_1649
nancycola: IMG_1651
nancycola: IMG_1652
nancycola: IMG_1653
nancycola: Lots of fat baby angels in these tiles. I tried to grab the quirkier ones.
nancycola: IMG_1656
nancycola: The lion's (your right) eye is smudgier.
nancycola: IMG_1660
nancycola: IMG_1663
nancycola: IMG_1666
nancycola: IMG_1669
nancycola: IMG_1670
nancycola: At the base of a large tile mural. The other one too.