Nancy Rose: Life is like a box of chocolates....
Nancy Rose: Snowflakes on my whiskers :-)
Nancy Rose: white orchid center
Nancy Rose: red-capped chickadee
Nancy Rose: Happy Feathery Friday flirting
Nancy Rose: One day it RAINED..
Nancy Rose: another dandy image :-)
Nancy Rose: My little yellow rose
Nancy Rose: Do you think I'm cute???
Nancy Rose: Robert brought me roses
Nancy Rose: I couldn't resist
Nancy Rose: Reflecting on Earth Hour (front page :-))
Nancy Rose: Wouldn't you like to be swimming in gold???
Nancy Rose: Cool October Morning
Nancy Rose: snow on my tail on Front Page :-)
Nancy Rose: Happy Thanksgiving Canada!
Nancy Rose: a perfect wind
Nancy Rose: ooops...i forgot my bra!
Nancy Rose: Time for a manicure? Pedicure? Pepsodent?
Nancy Rose: can you ever have too much pink???
Nancy Rose: Kittens are born with their eyes shut. They open them in about six days, take a look around, then close them again for the better part of their lives. ~Stephen Baker
Nancy Rose: Peggy's Cove Lighthouse
Nancy Rose: Are you eating a balanced diet?
Nancy Rose: PhotoFunia makes me feel famous
Nancy Rose: Even a little boat is better than no boat
Nancy Rose: "Cats are little women in cheap fur coats"
Nancy Rose: Up to our elbows in snow!
Nancy Rose: Don't forget to send valentines to all your favourite friends!
Nancy Rose: I said , put the bleepin' camera down and open the door!