Nancie (Shelburne Museum): Band wagon from the Kirk Bros. Circus
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): A Fauve rhino on the side of a Kirk Bros. Circus wagon
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): 1957-128 (45.5-9)
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): Carousel horses in Horseshoe Barn
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): detail of a crazy quilt
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): My new foam friends
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): Steamboat Ticonderoga Winterized
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): So glad the artist supplied this surrogate.
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): Robots everywhere in Owl Cottage. Love the visitor-added chalk drawing on the wall
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): View from the pilot's house in the Ti
Nancie (Shelburne Museum): Something yummy in the leaves