-nanio-: Expo in a tent
-nanio-: Newport Yachting Center
-nanio-: I've found my people.
-nanio-: New number
-nanio-: I like the elevation profile
-nanio-: Guac loading
-nanio-: Our host's wifi name seems promising.
-nanio-: On the bus to the start
-nanio-: Congregating at the beach house
-nanio-: Other side of the start
-nanio-: At the start
-nanio-: Some random mansion
-nanio-: Along the coast
-nanio-: Amica Marathon
-nanio-: Done!
-nanio-: He didn't want to hug me.
-nanio-: E + N
-nanio-: Windswept finish
-nanio-: Steven + Tate
-nanio-: Tate had fun
-nanio-: Stepping into space
-nanio-: Celebratory frosty