namzita.: Our memories are woven to the core no matter how much the colors of life change.
namzita.: I promise to capture all that stimulates my mind, write all that sparks my vision and read all that reaches my fingers.
namzita.: Chairs are only chairs until someone takes a seat.
namzita.: I have a thing for colored papers and coffee mugs.
namzita.: Life without colors is like having eyes that don't smile.
namzita.: Lattes & Lyrics
namzita.: Fade the memories of every dusk with a quest for a new dawn.
namzita.: Funny thing about being in the moment is that you forget who you are and become yourself.
namzita.: The Road Song
namzita.: Conversations are meant to get carried away.
namzita.: Go for long walks
namzita.: I like to wear my hat sideways
namzita.: Shadows past mid-day
namzita.: Welcome back Wisconsin's 14!
namzita.: Grande Easy Iced Chai
namzita.: Our words speak louder than their actions!
namzita.: We all need to do our part.
namzita.: We all stand united!
namzita.: Kill the Bill!
namzita.: Capturing history in the making!
namzita.: I feel the need to say something, but words stop me.
namzita.: A good cup of chai always helps keep the (in)sanity of life balanced!
namzita.: Songs of Blood & Sword
namzita.: Postales Polska!
namzita.: Always do something worth writing. Always write something worth reading.
namzita.: Shaam ki koi baat..
namzita.: Solitude
namzita.: Stop and watch a sunset once every year :)
namzita.: Last Call
namzita.: It's the end only if..