namzita.: We must always have old memories and young hopes.
namzita.: Take what you have, dream what you want and live the life you've been gifted.
namzita.: A city is as beautiful at night as it is charming in the day.
namzita.: Someday we'll watch the sunsets of the world together. Till then I'll keep the seat next to me empty.
namzita.: The lives of millions of people were tainted on these streets. Their scars have etched the city and the void will linger forever. May history never repeat itself.
namzita.: The small space between dreams and shadows..
namzita.: The longer the night lasts, the more my dreams live.
namzita.: Some views aren't meant to be seen alone. So I bring along my camera everywhere.
namzita.: Travel the world so that you can never call any place home but can find yourself everywhere.
namzita.: Fade the memories of every dusk with a quest for a new dawn.
namzita.: I packed my umbrella and set out to see the world.
namzita.: Nostaligc Dreams
namzita.: I left a part of me in Prague
namzita.: Viva Vegas!
namzita.: Chalo Dilli!
namzita.: When a thousand miles seem pretty far, there's rain, it's here and there. They're our planes, our trains and our cars. When walking seems too far.
namzita.: Monday Mayhem
namzita.: Some of the best things in life come in pairs!
namzita.: I dream only in London
namzita.: Welcome back Wisconsin's 14!
namzita.: Trafalgar Square to Tower Hill
namzita.: Like a true shadow, they've shown me which side the sun has set and where to turn to next for a new morning.
namzita.: Their silences fought the noise of a million batallions.
namzita.: A Bookmarked Page
namzita.: Her appearance was formidable, her manner-well, it was like talking to St Paul's Cathedral.
namzita.: Boundaries don't keep others out, they cave you in.
namzita.: A city is only as beautiful as the people that live in it, and a heart only as strong as the memories that last in it.
namzita.: Sometimes, the best place to get lost is in chaos.
namzita.: Let's travel the world. Let's be nomads.
namzita.: Bridges have a strange way of closing gaps and making distances.