Tall Guy: Kildale Force.
Tall Guy: Langdale Pikes..
Tall Guy: Fancy meeting you here..
Tall Guy: Buttermere..
Tall Guy: Over the hill and far away..
Tall Guy: another view...
Tall Guy: Raven Crag over Thirlmere.
Tall Guy: Ripple effect..
Peter Ribbeck: Astro heaven at Portencross
Tall Guy: Middle ground.
Tall Guy: Looking towards Rannerdale Knotts.
Tall Guy: Crummock Water.
Tall Guy: Mirror mirror..
Tall Guy: View from Low Fell.
Nicolas Valentin: Butter Bridge
Nicolas Valentin: The great outdoors
.finding.ireland.: Cliffs of Moher...
gavbc www.gavinhaworthphotography.co.uk: Lake Windermere from Ambleside
manfred-hartmann: weihnachtszeit III
unicorn123 :-): Waterloo Sunset
CameraOne: Christmas Train is back!
CameraOne: New Age Pony Express
CameraOne: Some time out for me.
CameraOne: A postcard from Italy
CameraOne: Tiny Sipper
CameraOne: bonnie
CameraOne: pixar wannabe
Tall Guy: Heading back.
Tall Guy: Buttermere from Fleetwith Pike.