najjie: VIDEO: Stemley loves Sasquatch, Butterscotch makes guest appearance
najjie: VIDEO: Cuteness factor of 10
najjie: Cat grass
najjie: Stemley the foster snuggles up to my Sasquatch
najjie: Stemley the foster hanging out with my Sasquatch
najjie: Butterscotch and Stemley
najjie: Cat pile love-fest
najjie: Butterscotch and Stemley in cat bed with Sasquatch
najjie: Sasquatch holding Stemley
najjie: They all love the scratch lounger
najjie: Cat pile
najjie: Stemley and Butterscotch snuggled up to my senior Sasquatch
najjie: Stemley snuggles up to Sasquatch
najjie: Fosters with my kitty
najjie: Integrated!
najjie: Fosters with my kitty
najjie: Transition to integration, phase 2.
najjie: Transition to integration, phase 2.
najjie: Butterscotch waits for the transition period to end
najjie: KitKat the foster in the window with Sasquatch and Sherlock
najjie: Troy-foster: more catnip
najjie: Treats? Nope, pets.
najjie: Purring Trinket
najjie: Trinket with my kitties at the window
najjie: Sylvester and Sasquatch Snuggle Time
najjie: Sylvester (the foster) gets along with Sasquatch, yay!