najjie: LOL... Stemley gets snuggles, Butterscotch gets jealous.
najjie: Laser toy
najjie: VIDEO: Buddies bath time
najjie: Toes attack.
najjie: Treats! I want treats!
najjie: Thinking about how to attack the feather toy...
najjie: Butterscotch and a feather toy
najjie: Stemley observes Butterscotch's play
najjie: Kitties want to be near the human
najjie: What's that?
najjie: Butterscotch = long cat
najjie: Lapful of kitties
najjie: Kitties both want the lap
najjie: Butterscotch's sweet meow
najjie: The classic Butterscotch sprawl
najjie: Stemley "viciously" attacks feather toy
najjie: Stemley jumps up then trades places with Butterscotch
najjie: VIDEO: Ack!! SO CUTE!! What a pair.
najjie: Stemley playing, eating grass, joining Butterscotch at window
najjie: Stemley takes a treat from my hand
najjie: Butterscotch... "Feeeed me Seymour, feeeed me!!"
najjie: Ugh, cuteness,
najjie: They like to watch these toys more than play with them.
najjie: VIDEO: Butterscotch's personality - an in your face cute buddy
najjie: Stemley looks sad... no worries, he's coming out of the room soon!
najjie: Stemley and Butterscotch are ready to come out
najjie: Always together... Butterscotch sleeping outside Stemley's house.
najjie: Butterscotch waits for the transition period to end
najjie: Transition to integration, phase 2.
najjie: Transition to integration, phase 2.