najjie: Angie's Magnet, a tiny painting!
najjie: Jenny's Magnets
najjie: Happy B-Day Mirror
najjie: Sundae Socks
najjie: BB Draws: Happy Bears-Day!
najjie: BB Draws: "Bearing" Gifts
najjie: BB Draws: Dinner and Drink Coupon
najjie: BB Draws: Vegan Caramel Sauce
najjie: BB Draws: Brown Paper Flower
najjie: BB Draws: Brown Paper Cat
najjie: BB Draws: Balloon Letters
najjie: BB Draws: Marching Ants
najjie: A Hot Mess
najjie: Adorable handmade card from BB to Doodee
najjie: A gift from The Boys!
najjie: Accidental Twinkies
najjie: The ring bearer
najjie: A present from BB!
najjie: A gift from secret santa