najjie: Eat
najjie: sunset by the garage, with fence
najjie: hoar frost
najjie: frosty branches 3
najjie: snowy flora
najjie: snow angel
najjie: snowy house!
najjie: ... but the fire inside is delightful!
najjie: The best damn view in Madison.
najjie: Begonia from the shade garden
najjie: Purple Stems
najjie: African Impatiens, Blondie
najjie: Red Yarrow
najjie: Sunrise across the street
najjie: Fence -n- Farm Across the Street
najjie: Sasquatch likes the new door.
najjie: across the street 2
najjie: cheery house
najjie: Living room lookin' much nicer now
najjie: Wood Floors, restored!
najjie: It's gloomy outside, but like summer in here.
najjie: Stargazer Lily
najjie: sunset by the garage
najjie: Phlox (I don't know what variety though)
najjie: Dahlia
najjie: White Physostegia
najjie: Yellow Evening Primrose (Oenothera Flava)
najjie: Spiderwort (Tradescantia Virginiana)
najjie: White-spotted red dead-nettle (Lamium Maculatum)
najjie: Mock Orange