superqq: mcitaly
superqq: tiny benz jeep
superqq: arno river
superqq: center square
superqq: palazzo della carovana
superqq: clock
superqq: posing with her national symbol
superqq: we walked around the corner...
superqq: omg! it leans!
superqq: camposanto
superqq: battistero & camposanto
superqq: door to the cathedral
superqq: coffer ceiling
superqq: duomo interior
superqq: duomo interior
superqq: painting
superqq: sculptures
superqq: centerpiece
superqq: carvings
superqq: top of the pulpit
superqq: painting
superqq: protege virgo pisas
superqq: too much
superqq: ceiling
superqq: looking upward
superqq: apse with mosaic
superqq: pulpit