superqq: eye of the storm
superqq: tiny!!!
superqq: lookit how tiny he is!
superqq: tiny baby possum
superqq: possum tail!!!!!
superqq: baby possum!
superqq: look what followed me home, ma!
superqq: me with a snake!
superqq: on watch
superqq: on watch
superqq: jack rabbit!
superqq: critter!
superqq: in the grass
superqq: piles
superqq: xmas horsey!
superqq: do you think he likes it?
superqq: riot horses
superqq: what.
superqq: omg look at the fat rolls...
superqq: squirgoyles
superqq: squirrel as football
superqq: crouching raccoon, hidden raccoon
superqq: truing raven's bike
superqq: this guy got within about 2ft of us
superqq: climbing
superqq: escher raccoons
superqq: i suck at animal redeye removal. you get demon raccoon.