superqq: poor sick dog
superqq: i love you, oreo...
superqq: poor sweetie
superqq: shaved oreo
superqq: oreo & leelee
superqq: oreo vs the cell phone
superqq: tongue monster
superqq: can i have some turkey too?
superqq: in the holiday spirit
superqq: arooo! i hate static electricity!!!
superqq: sleepyface
superqq: yes.
superqq: posin'
superqq: oreo and monkey friend
superqq: oreo & her mini-me
superqq: whachu lookin at?!
superqq: passed out
superqq: i know you're taking a picture of me...
superqq: sleeping
superqq: derr...
superqq: cat stretch
superqq: *lick*
superqq: towelie
superqq: cozy nap
superqq: watchin' tv w/ ma peeps
superqq: thanksgiving is exhausting...
superqq: you're *so* going to hell for doing this to me