naiah: DSCN8747
naiah: DSCN8746
naiah: DSCN8745
naiah: DSCN8743
naiah: DSCN8742
naiah: DSCN8740
naiah: DSCN8739
naiah: DSCN8726
naiah: A quick rest on the fountain
naiah: DSCN8724
naiah: DSCN8696
naiah: DSCN8704
naiah: DSCN8683
naiah: DSCN8670
naiah: Trying to dodge the camera
naiah: You can't catch me!
naiah: Look at me!
naiah: Painting a golden ball
naiah: Underglazing her boat
naiah: Art class
naiah: Hanging on the coolest playground ever
naiah: Chess buddies
naiah: Chautauqua Friends
naiah: Family on Athenaeum porch
naiah: Back at the Athenaeum together
naiah: "Little Robin Red Breast"
naiah: "Sweet, sweet girl"
naiah: Frasier
naiah: Hanging out--quite literally
naiah: Young Artists in the morning