Nagarjun: Little greb in prime breeding plumage
Nagarjun: Pegasus, the pond heron
Nagarjun: Flying glossy ibis
Nagarjun: Showering coot
Nagarjun: Lone swallow makes a winter
Nagarjun: Indian spot-billed ducks in the sky
Nagarjun: Little grebe in habitat
Nagarjun: Whistling ducks and a lone ibis at dawn
Nagarjun: Focussing egret
Nagarjun: Bright eye
Nagarjun: Lovely Eurasian moorhen
Nagarjun: Jet trail
Nagarjun: Minimalism
Nagarjun: Whistling ducks fly in pattern
Nagarjun: Sandpiper flying
Nagarjun: Brahminy kite in flight
Nagarjun: Flying sandpiper
Nagarjun: Cockfight
Nagarjun: Grey heron in flight
Nagarjun: Foraging sandpiper
Nagarjun: Brilliant blue kingfisher
Nagarjun: White-cheeked barbet digs in
Nagarjun: Honey-eyed ashy prinia
Nagarjun: Marsh harrier in the city
Nagarjun: Long-necked purple heron
Nagarjun: Ibis at dawn
Nagarjun: Eurasian coot in shimmering blue waters
Nagarjun: Green bee eater in the city